付秀莹,女,1976年10月生于河北省无极县,小说家,代表作有长篇小说《陌上》,短篇小说《爱情到处流传》,中篇小说《旧院》。出版有小说集《爱情到处流传》《朱颜记》《花好月圆》《锦绣》《夜妆》《有时候岁月徒有虚名》《六月半》等多部。作品被收入多种选刊、选本年鉴及排行榜。 曾获《小说选刊》奖、《十月》文学奖、蒲松龄短篇小说奖、汪曾祺文学奖、茅盾文学新人奖等多种文学奖项 。长篇小说《陌上》入选《当代》年度长篇五佳、《收获》文学排行榜、春风图书势力榜、《文学蓝皮书:中国文情报告》(2015-2016)等。部分作品被译介到英国、美国、日本等国家。现任《长篇小说选刊》主编 。
短篇小说《爱情到处流传》是付秀莹的成名作,自问世到现在,一直“到处流传”。作品透过童年视角,以宁静抒情的叙事笔调,追忆父亲和母亲之间的乡村爱情,发现和体察他们的内心伤痛。小说继承了现代小说的抒情诗传统,在艺术上深得传统中国美学之精髓,温柔蕴藉,含不尽之意于言外。《爱情到处流传》一经面世即在中国文坛引起强烈轰动,被认为“提供了一个短篇小说的近乎完美的样本”, 是“传统中国美学在当代的再现”。
中篇小说《旧院》书写普通中国人的日常生活,展现他们的情感经验、内心世界以及命运跌宕。小说写出了“旧院”中的每一个人及其遭际,从而在整体上呈现出一个艺术世界,让我们看到一个家庭的“盛世”,及其在时光中的流变, 寄寓了作家深沉的感喟、忧伤、思索和沧桑之叹。上说不仅善于从中国美学中汲取丰富营养,同时也有意识地进行了现代化的改造。《旧院》被认为“既是最为中国的,也是最为现代的”。
Fu Xiuying
Fu Xiuying was born in Wuji County, Hebei Province in October 1976. She is a novelist whose representative works include the long novel Unfamiliar, a short story Love Spreads Everywhere, and the novelette Old Courtyard. She has also published the novel collections, Love Spreads Everywhere, Zhu Yanji, Happy Moon, Jinxiu, Night Makeup, Sometimes Years Don’t Live Up to their Names, June Half, and many others. Her work has been included in multiple collections, selected yearbooks, and rankings. She has won various literary awards such as the Fiction Selection Award, The October Literary Prize, Pu Songling Short Story Award, Wang Zengqi Literature Award, and the Mao Dun Literature Newcomer Award. The novel Unfamiliar was selected for “The Contemporary” annual “Top Five”, “Harvest” Literature Rankings, Spring Breeze Book List, “Literary Blue Book: Chinese Literature Report” (2015-2016) and so on. Some of her works have been translated and introduced to countries such as Britain, the United States and Japan. She is now the editor-in-chief of The Long Novel Selection.
Unfamiliar uses a scattered perspective style to write about the daily lives and hidden thoughts in a village. The work is considered to have “written about the moment and perpetuity of our village” and “a new homesickness of an era”. When it came out at the end of 2016, it caused a strong reaction inside and outside the Chinese literary world. Some critics called this “a spiritual biography of a contemporary Chinese rural country”. Some also called it a “periodic spiritual history of contemporary rural China”, and some even put forward the concept of “Fu Xiuying style”, pointing out that “Fu Xiuying’s style is not only the same strain of modern literary history, but also her personal spiritual creation.”
The short story Love Spreads Everywhere is a famous work of Fu Xiuying. Ever since she came on the scene, she has been “circulating everywhere”. From the perspective of childhood, the work traces the rural love between father and mother and discovers and perceives their inner pain through a quiet and lyrical narrative style. The novel inherits the lyrical tradition of modern novels and receives a lot in terms of art from the essence of traditional Chinese aesthetics, kind and culturally restrained, and finding meaning in leaving things unsaid. Love Spreads Everywhere caused a strong sensation in the Chinese literary world as soon as it came out. It was considered to have “provided a near-perfect sample of a short story” and “a contemporary representation of traditional Chinese aesthetics”.
The novella Old Courtyard is about the ordinary daily lives of Chinese people and shows their emotional experiences, inner worlds and destinies. The novel writes about every person in the “Old Academy” and their encounters, thus presenting an artistic world as a whole, allowing us to see the “Flourishing Age” of a family and its transformation in time, showing the writer’s deep feelings, sadness, reflections and vicissitudes. It is not only good at drawing rich nutrition from Chinese aesthetics, but also consciously carrying out modern transformations. Old Courtyard is considered “the most Chinese and the most modern” work.